Quote Originally Posted by Bhavya View Post
Hello Friends,

Our current generation don't want to be in relationships.
Because they hate to be responsible and like to live a carefree life.

What do think what make the current generation to hate to be in relationships?
Because there are a lot of options available these days. In the past, the exposure was little and the world they knew did not have the freedom now we have. The tendency to find the perfect match goes on and on, never settling for one for the life. That is the reason for the lack of attachment in someone.
We have become so independent that we cannot even accept someone's flaws and the next thing we do is break off the relationship and go in search of someone better. The cycle is endless. We have this thirst to have the best in everything, coz we are exposed to various options. That leads to complications and it gradually makes us too criticizing of each and everything.