In my point of view, when I do work remotely, I faced a much of distractions, so, I prefer to work from my office, I can manage even heavy tasks at night time only, why I'm telling this I can only focus on my schedules and tasks without distractions at night time, in the early morning also fine to work, but in the middle time, I unable to do the task continuously based on my schedules, because my family is not support me to do the work continuously, the important thing is they are not understand my work and everything. I'm not saying they are bad, but they are always thinking we are kid need to work short time and support them for their work, yes obviously we need to help our family, but in the cases, we need to convince them, but I’m the person need to take responsibility for my family as well, in this cases, I unable to focus on my high priority task to deliver ontime, so Anyone guide me How can I make my work at home better?