Quote Originally Posted by Sheero View Post
Emotional intelligence aka EI/ EQ/ EIQ is the ability to recognize our own emotions and those of others,distinguishing them and labeling them. Having an EI is normally told to be a positive thing but it has some bad impacts as well.

When it comes to success, people debate that EI is more important than anything else. This may be because it helps to build more social relationship and social awareness.Having a high EI could also improve our self awareness and assertiveness, helping us to have a robust emotional vocabulary.

On the other hand,having more emotional concerns might push us into conflict.People with Emotional intelligence tend to analyze too much on everything, which could make them paralyzed in decision making.There are chances of self-doubt at some point due to this extra analyzing habit.

In my point of view, Emotional Intelligence drains us both mentally and emotionally than giving any positive effects.
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Actually whoever has EI shouldn't be around me a lot. I might end up slapping them, coz I don't like being questioned for each and every decision I make. And I don't desire to be a test rat for anyone's emotional intelligence hunger. Maybe if those people know how to keep their thoughts to themselves, then it can be pretty useful.

But seriously, Overthinking somethings might spoil the magic every moment holds. Think of it! If someone does a sweet thing and if someone else gives her/him a detailed analysis on why he/she did it and the motive behind it, then life would be messed up.