Social blogs or social blogging is a term used for the blogging method that blend features of both traditional blogging and social networking. These blogs style has more socialising features than the traditional blog writing style. And nowadays people like to read more social blogs than other blogs types like technical blogs, educational blogs, etc. If you want to experiment with your writing in social blogging, here are the six techniques for you to implement in your social blogging.

1. Write blogs as much as you can so that you can practice yourself on social blogging.
2. Make your blogs more user-friendly
3. Create unique blogs rather than following other bloggers blogging methods
4. Streamline discussions with others to generate new blogging ideas
5. Offer value to your readers through your blogging
6. Spread GoodWill through your social blogs

Guys, If you know any other social blogging techniques let me know them in the comments below!