Quote Originally Posted by Bhavya View Post
Hello Friends,

In my view, success is not measured by how much money you have made,how many wealth you have acquired or how well regarded you are in certain social and professional circles.Success is with in.It is internal.not external.you have to define your success.Everyone has their own successes.Someone may think a PHD as their success while other thinks to being the best athlete in the country is his /her success.Another person may think to earn one million to be success.It is entirely up to you.You define your success and measure it.No any other person can.

How do you define your success ?
Quite a question!
If I'm better than I was yesterday, then that could be a success simply. Personally, I felt my success when I overcame my stage fear. I was proud of myself to have done something that I fear most.So every time I scare off my fears, I feel successful. It might be a simple thing. But a little step towards progression worths a lot in life.