Quote Originally Posted by assassin View Post
However we charged up on very beginning of a day, but at the end we lost our entire energy after lunch. So how to stay productive all day? These are some facts I believe make you stay productive.

  • Make your basic principles properly - 8 hours of sleep, a healthy breakfast and exercise will keep our minds very active.
  • Do not bring it home - When you're home, relax. When you come back to your job. Your mind will be refreshed.
  • Stay in sync with why? - Remember your passion, your motivation and your reason for choosing the career you have done.

Give me more tips how to stay productive all day.

Wow, you have given nice tips. I'll add some more tips to stay productive
Meditation and concentration exercises are a great way to get refreshed during a day.
2. Include only the things that you can do without delays to your to-do list
3. Keep away the distracting factors.
4. Have a small walk when you are feeling boring and facing difficulty
to concentrate on your works.