Quote Originally Posted by Shivani View Post
Hello Friends,

In our life some hardships teach us a very good lessons for life time.
These are some lesson I learned through my hard times.

No matter how much you are prepared, life will always put you into situations from where you'll find it impossible to get out.

Sometimes,the solutions to our problem is right in front of our eyes so never lose hope and keep searching for the solution till the last minute.

What you guys learn from your hard times?
Always try everything.
never be scared of yourself.
Always trust your gut feeling.
IIf you fall down, don't wait for the god to come and help you. Just stand up yourself. God just gives you an opportunity to prove yourself, he won't come in front of you and tell you to do so. You've got to realize it.
Honesty paves the way to glory.
Don't make excuses. If you aren't doing something, then that means you didn't want to do it in the 1st place. No other reason could go for an excuse.
Don't overthink somethings. Do it and get over it.
if you know that you can't solve a problem at any cost, then that problem isn't worth worrying over. Move on.