Quote Originally Posted by Shivani View Post
Hi Guys!

Depression is one of the serious mental health issue happening these days! I've seen people in the depression they won't be even able to talk and express themselves with anyone even their own family, I've seen them just sitting at one place and not talking to anybody around them.

I guess it should be the face that makes us recognize if a person is depressed or not especially their eyes!

I would like to raise a question here, How can you find out whether a person is depressed or not, is it his/her eyes that would reflect their depression to their outside world or is it their behavior?

Depression kills people within!

I don't think that with the eyes it can be easily identified. But if the behaviour changes in the following aspects of a person they can be easily identified. These types of qualities can be easily identified for a person who is very much close to him/her.
1. Changes in the sleeping pattern- Sometimes the depressed person may tend to sleep more or sleepless and show difficulties in sleeping. That can be identified because a depressed person is not showing a normal sleeping pattern.
2. Loss of interest in the things that they previously pleasured.
3. A depressed person struggles to get through the day. Ordinary obstacles and challenges become more difficult and can lead to frustration and the feelings that go along with that.
4. Changes in the eating pattern- Eat too much or too less
5. Expressing of negative thoughts-Through social media also this can be identified they publish posts with negative ideas.
If your loved ones or a friend closer to you showing these kind of qualities keep your eye on him/her.