Quote Originally Posted by Shivani View Post
Hello Everyone!

There're only so many hours in the day, so making the most out your time is critical. Ther're two ways increase your output - either put in more hours or work smarter. I don't know about you, but I prefer the latter.
Being more productive at work isn't rocket science, but it does require being more deliberate about how you manage your time!

Can you guys tell me some ways to increase productivity at work?

These are the ways to increase productivity at work
1.Track and limit how much time you're spending on tasks .
2.Take regular break
3. Set self deadlines
4.Follow the "two -minute rule"
5.Just say no to meeting
6.Hold standing Meeting .
7.Quit multitasking
8.Take advantage of your commute .
9.Give up on the illusion of perfection.
10.Take exercise breaks.