Quote Originally Posted by Helena View Post
Recently I came across an incident where a young couple had a fight and the boy cut his hand due to the argument between them. Fortunately, some people saw them and admitted the boy to the nearest hospital. The doctors said that he lost more blood and almost near to death!

The bitter truth is that both of them are undergraduates
! Why do youngsters nowadays try to commit suicides or do this type of mad things for some silly reasons? Are they trying to prove themselves or is it an escapism from problems around them?

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I guess it's because undergrads and youth tend to exaggerate the seriousness of an issue. Everything starting from an FB like to a comment affects us a lot because we have allowed those media to affect our lives.
And each and every moment is being trumpeted over the social media which leads to massive exposure to our personal lives. These things lead to over thinking a problem or over glorifying a simple issue, which stresses the youth up to making them feel helpless for a simple problem. That sense of helplessness is the reason for suicides, in my POV.