Quote Originally Posted by Karikaalan View Post
It's their job and they should be dedicated and hardworking to be on the top of their field. They are doing their job well . So they deserve the appreciations .in my POV Pornography is not the reason for rapes . If it would make boys rape, majority of the boys would be rapist by now. Infact rapes are reduced by these porns. Many porn websites have banned porns which shows rapes .. this unconsciously teaches that opposite gender should be ok with the sex. Our clised social construction is the key for rapes.
Sunny Leone deserves this stardom and kudos to the friend who shared the trailer with you. Thank him for giving you some motivation .
That's what I told them, but actually, the environment became very hostile you know. So I had to drop the subject, otherwise, they might have suffocated me in my sleep, thanks to the friend who showed it to me!
Yes, Porn stars deserve the stardom as everyone, but my roomy's POV was that those stars' victory and fame encourage girls in need of money to get into the porn industry. Girls who need that little push towards that path, rake it as an encouragement. There is a truth in that, isn't it?