Quote Originally Posted by Adiza View Post
I have a best friend, who was really close to me. He is the 1st male bestie, who is absolutely special for me. His friendship is the best thing happened in my life. He is more than just a friend, well wisher, care taker also have same frequency of naughtiness like me. Like my twin bro. We always have a good understanding. But few months ago we stopped talking to each others because of our ego. I know, that I have made the mistake, I apologized too. But he was not ready to accept it. It was a very small problem, but it affected him badly. He started his ego trip, and went crazily. We ended our relationship before it turns ugly. Even now, he is not replaced by any others. He is always my bestie.
Sometimes a simple mistake makes a bigger impact. maybe the mistake you made was the last nail on the coffin for him. Because as I understood from my case, friendship doesn't break off just like that. When a lot of things have happened, even a simple harsh word is enough to blast up a relationship. A good long discussion with him is due for you, I guess.