Quote Originally Posted by Shana View Post
Recently we have been hearing voices from well-established actresses about casting couch(demanding sexual favors from actresses to get a role in a movie) and there're 02 kinds of arguments flowing in this hubbub.
  • There's always a choice for the aspiring actress to say NO and leave the director's office
  • It's the director's fault to ask such favors from actresses who've got talent.

Whose side are you on?
Where does the fault lie in?
Is it ok for actresses to provide those favors and get the role and then point out the directors as criminals?
Are we over glorifying those victim heroines who went through casting couch?
I would say the director and the actress both of them are at fault,The director shouldn't ask such kind of favors and the actress should leave that director's office.
the actress first provided the favors to get the chance and now she try to play as a innocent victim which not acceptable.I think both of them need to be punished then only we can stop these kind of activities.