Quote Originally Posted by Shana View Post
We all get annoyed at some point in our lives and when the limit is crossed, anger leads to revenge.
Even if the revenge is not something bigger and catastrophic, the satisfaction it gives us in knowing that we have managed to break their noses in return is priceless, you've got to admit.
And as they say, the revenge tastes best when served cold indeed!

Once I got a teasing sweet revenge out of my friend who used to tease me mercilessly in front of those whom I respect. So 2 0r 3 weeks later, she was in my room and was busy riling me up and all I did was, take her phone and get the password from her mouth itself(coz she was so interested in teasing me, she didn't think too much of it), and I went to her WhatsApp and sent"I love you baby" to all her male contacts. Of course what I did was far worse than what she did, but humiliation hurts my pride a lot than anyone can imagine. She gave me hell for what I did, but hell yeah, I was happy!
And then we talked it over and settled it. Since then she doesn't tease me outside my room.

So do you have such experience in revenge? Ever been in the receiving end of it?
Oh my god.. This is so cruel😂😂curious to know how did she react