Quote Originally Posted by Shana View Post
We all have good and bad days and it definitely is a bad day when your colleague doesn't respect you.
I had one incident when I was conducting a meeting and my colleague kept cutting me off rudely in the middle and saying his opinion on the matter over me.
He knows that I was speaking and it happened more than thrice, so I told him that I'm not yet done with my speech and continued it without any interruptions from anyone. I don't know if he was trying to be superior over me, but when I shut him down he did not look at me in the eyes.

HAve you had such demeaning disrespecting treatment from your colleagues or co-workers?
Same situation happened with me When I did a presentation in my early working days one of my colleague keep on questioning me to make me feel down,for that behavior he got scold from the superior as well, The fun thing is I didn't realize that my colleague did it purposely until my superior notified that to me. now me and that colleague are good friends though! now these memories are making me laugh.