Quote Originally Posted by Shana View Post
Recently I read a news of a girl who was kidnapped when she was 12 or something and raped by her kidnapper. She spent her next 18 years with him as his sex slave and even gave birth to 2 children while being with him.

She was rescued a few months ago this year and this was the worst case of "Stockholm syndrome" I've ever seen.

I mean she gave birth to his children and stayed with him for the next 18 years? She would have had chances to escape, but something made her stay.

What do you think of this?
"Stockholm syndrome" This a new word for me when I searched about it I found that this is syndrome where the kidnapping victim develop feelings of trust and affection towards the captor. It's really horrible. I think the vulnerable and hopeless stage of the victims make them to rely and trust on person they on have as they are isolated from the world and people.