Quote Originally Posted by Karikaalan View Post
Rules were designed to satisfy conscience earlier. For example killing another human is a crime because we started thinking from the others point of view. Later some rules were designed by powerful people for their own selfish purposes too.
If every rules were cancelled we human will naturally act as a animals which we were really supposed to. We will kill others in the competition of food (which can be now considered us money) ,. We will have affairs with many girls without the restrictions of legal marriage agreement.
We will capture saftiest residence for living from the richest people without buying it but by killing or chasing them.
This 21st century human will act even more wierd. There will be more road accidents. There will be more deforestation , there will be more pollution , abuses , crimes , and a lot
How can you say we would act as animals? As we evolve, don't you think we would have developed at least "some" kind of civilised mind? As we go wild, wouldn't we ourselves create a barrier for our actions? Can you actually rule that out?