Quote Originally Posted by Shivani View Post
Hi there, Milko!

Such an interesting question to talk about! According to the International Labour office, Paternity leave is given for men( fathers) which can be taken after the baby is born. An then there's this other leave in every organisation called The Parental Leave which is given to both the parents so that they could spend precious time with their new born!

These three leaves are a must worldwide which was implemented b the WHO ( World health organization) so that countries that come under the WHO are following these rules both the public and privates , since Sri lanka is a member of The WHO South East Asia Region this rule is being followed here as well. I hope now you got the answers!
Thank you for your explanation Shivani!
Is there any pieces of evidence which are published by the Sri Lankan government anywhere (according to the labour law of Sri Lanka)? I need to know the exact count of days.