Quote Originally Posted by Dhiya View Post
Have you faced any interviews in your life? I didn't faced any interviews in my life. I am going to face an interview for my internship. Give some tips to face an interview as a best one.
So far, I've faced 2 interviews.
Honesty helps. And a perfectly designed CV is something that would elevate you. Try getting the help of a graphic designer and you'll have the standard CV than a template one.
In the interview, try to express yourself as much. Because, interviewers won't be spending 1 week to get to know who you are. Try making use of that limited time and always highlight your strengths and accept your weaknesses and try to make them your strengths as well.
Being nervous is alright. But never put on a scary expression on your face. That happened in my 1st one and I freaked out my interviewers.
Always take care of your posture and etiquette. Be formal and well-mannered at all times even if they say it's a friendly interview.
Trust your gut feeling. Be yourself. Be humble. You'll rock it.