Quote Originally Posted by Dhiya View Post
Do you believe in first sight love? I don't think so. What do you think about that.

In my opinion love is unreasonable, you feel strong affection for the person, concern for the good of the person, warm attachment, enthusiasm,unselfish loyal and benevolent.you love to watch the person's eyes more than anything in the world.which hold kind and love for you. when you're around the person you feel nervous, excitement, anxiety ,happy ,love,joy and trust ,it's like a painful pleasure.

Love is a pretty powerful drug. when you feel it,you really feel it.It can suspend time,making the whole world seem still expect for you two.It feeds you more than any nourishment,You feel full in presence of love. Love knows no depth.It's an endless tunnel that sweeps you up in the whirlwind and you're
never quite free from it.Its stays with you.And you hope this person will too. Love isn't ordinary.It's doesn't come around often and that's how you'll know it's genuine.