On the point Bhavya! But some people consider it as some kind of disorder people develop because of bad parental upbringing. What would you say to this?
Before acceptance comes the understanding. Try to understand them better. If you understood then you can accept them as a normal being. Feeling towards an another human is common but when it grows deeper that's when it becomes stronger. In you answer, you mentioned as 'WE', more individual people together is called 'we'. Thus, it starts from every single person. I am ready to accept it. Are you?
I don't really think it is something against the society, it is the body that turns them to homosexualize '' The hormones'' so people who are interested in the same sex should they remain single/ unmarried for? Or should they be banned forever from their town or city?
Bad parental Upbringing, does this really matter when it comes down to homosexualism? I really don't think so! Maybe the society could be some factors that would decide this thing but definitely not the parent's method of raising up their kids. External factors such as videos might have a impact on this as well.