Quote Originally Posted by Ritika View Post
While I was going through internet for good diet plans to loose weight and I came up with so called famous dieting plan 'Intermittent fasting'.Intermittent fasting where a person should fast for 16 hours and feast for 8 hours with good nutrition and low calories. In which we should fast from 8:30pm to 12:30pm and eat between 12:30-8:30pm under 1000 calories. I am confused whether avoiding breakfast is really a good idea. What do you think about this? is it healthy to follow intermittent fasting by avoiding the important meal of the day?

In my opinion it's not a good idea to avoid your breakfast. Because our brain get 90% of energy from our breakfast meal,if you skip the breakfast you will get tired easily.
I suggest you to focus on exercise and simple diet for you weight loss.