Conceivably one of the most underappreciated facets of life is every day we’re here is a new chance to be better than we were the yesterday. Day-to-day insignificances often get in the path of our lives and we get bogged down with routine tasks. There comes a time for all of us, when we get on a journey for bigger contentment in our lives. If you pursue to continually progress your life.

Here are these 10 cool things you can do every day, starting from today.

  1. Write thank you notes
  2. Learn and use people’s name
  3. Show up on time
  4. Learn a new skill
  5. Learn the art of listening
  6. Admit you were wrong
  7. Act with kindness
  8. Laugh out loud
  9. Invest in your future
  10. Holding doors open for opportunity.

Hope these little hacks help you start your day with a good motive!

PS: Guys, IF have any other simple hacks to improve our day to day life, do share them here!