Quote Originally Posted by Moana View Post
Hello, Guys!

A curriculum Vitae is a very detailed document of yours which highlights your professional and educational history. A CV includes information such as your education, work experience, awards, achievements, grants you have earned, projects and publications of your relevant work. You will be asked to submit a CV almost at every workplace you go.

I have been wondering about creating the perfect CV format for a startup company I recently wanted to apply for, could somebody tell me the perfect CV ?

Yours answers are very much appreciated!

These are some of the tips to make a CV for startup company interview.

  • Create a CV format which reflects your own style.
  • When you write CV write some of your own personality into it.
  • Add the innovative and pro-active things you have done.
  • Add the most important professional courses you have completed.
  • Have a strong LinkedIn profile with a big network and mention it in your CV.

PS: Hope this is helpful for you.