Quote Originally Posted by Bhavya View Post
You are right Katren Setting Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely goals (SMART) goals for ourselves, make it easy to achieve them.

These are some of the following reasons for the failures in goals.

  • People's goals are not motivating, so they give up their goals soon.
  • People have doubt on their ability
  • People are not committed to their goals so they don't work towards it
  • People find out more excuses to not achieving their goals
  • People have distractions so they lost their focus from the goal.
  • People are not capable of handling their failures so they easily become fed up.

Yes, Absolutely correct Bhavya. Actually the last point is more essential know? do you know why the people are not ready to accept their failures easily? the same people expecting the reorganization or appreciation instantly but they are not even listen what they did the mistakes so far. that's the main point they are still waiting listed for some events. Am I right?