Quote Originally Posted by Bhavya View Post
Katren , Don't allow your negative feeling to consume you. Every person in this world are worthy no one can be us. everyone of us are unique in our own way. From your talks one thing is sure, they are your close buddies. put your hurt and ego down and just have a direct talk with them maybe the problem will be short out.Still there are people who love you just think about them. I am also sensitive person but I never vulnerably show my emotions or feelings to others because some people couldn't understand it and other people take advantage of it. So I always keep my emotion closed. I know talking is easy than doing but give it a try, It will help you.

It's not my negative thought. I'm telling here the truth. In my perspective, there is nothing important to have the number of friends that matters but the quality of the relationship. It is important to socialize and also need to have close friends that can share our troubles and lighten our load. but in my circle, I haven't that kind of people, not all friends. only a few of them. As you mentioned you closed your emotions. actually that will be fine. I need to follow this. Thanks for your advise. All are hurting me emotionally. that's my weak point, need to be changed as soon.