Quote Originally Posted by Katren View Post
Yes, you're right. we can live our life without others, but I'm a different person from others. I have multiple friends, I fixed in my mind that I need them in my life, that's the biggest problem and i'm unable to digest this hurt. But I will be fine soon because I have learnt a lot from them. I always thinking in others perspective, but they don't even care about me. I think, expectation is my fault right? you know one thing, we can understand the difference between loneliness and being alone. I have no Ego or anything. Several time I came from my Ego and sacrifice myself only for my friends which I even didn't do for my family. but they didn't care about my feelings, The reason is a simple misunderstanding, but I trust them blindly but they even don't think about how they hurt me. I call it emotionally lonely.

you simply said, in our life journey everyone is a co-passenger to us they will come with us for a certain period of time only. True friendship is not like that. What do you think about the friendship, there is no Ego, no expectation or anything, that's the "TRUE FRIENDSHIP", But when it comes to my circle, there is ego and a lot of expectation and need more help from me. It's not fair. No need this kind of f***ing people.
I can understand you are emotionally hurt from their behaviors, I would say one thing. It's up to you whether you want their relationship or let go and move on with your own life. One more thing If you help someone do it selflessly and don't expect them to remember it because people always forget the good things we did to them and remember the tiny problems or issues we caused to them.