Quote Originally Posted by Vaishnavi View Post
You must have heard that love is a great feeling that makes you complete and hundreds of other things, but in my point of view love is waste of time, because there are have many reasons.

  • You spend too much time thinking about him/her
  • You are clung to the phone
  • There is no end to your Confusion
  • You are distracted
  • Your mood depends on your BF/GF
  • You keep on trying to please him/her
  • You are always in “Waiting” mode

My point of you have lost more time in your life as you do this. what do you thing about this? share your points here.
Hello vaishnavi.
These points are correct, If you fallen in love with fake person. That's when you will feel like this.
In my thought love is an amazing feeling. I will never say "LOVE" is waste of the time. What is your thought?