Quote Originally Posted by Bhavya View Post
Smoking cigarettes kills more people than alcohol,car accidents,suicide,AIDS,homicide and illegal drugs combined.They are bad for the environment.They are bad for human colon,heart,lungs and every part of human body.
Non-smokers also getting affected by inhaling cigarettes smoke.They are called as "passive smokers".

Do you think cigarettes should banned from our society?

Is it possible to do so ?
I don't understand why people spent to hurt their own.I feel cigarettes should be banned to reduce death rates caused due to passive smoking.Why should a person near to the smoker get punished unknowingly?Non-smokers who are living with smokers are 20-30% likely to develop lung cancers.We can't change the addiction so I better suggest to smoke in a place where no one get consequence.
If a smoker realizes the bad impact and if he reduces consumption slowly by considering his family will matter most.
But don't expect government to ban it .Definitely they won't because for them it is a high profitable commodity which generate higher income annually.