Quote Originally Posted by Bhavya View Post
When i was living apart from home for my studies. I learnt to be independent.with hostel life I learnt the value of budget and saving. I became more patience and tolerance because of my hostel mates.

What is the best thing you got by living apart from home?
For me, getting away from my home is the best thing that ever happened in my life. Mu home was my sanctuary and hiding hole where I used to keep myself away from everything. I preferred being alone and I kinda gradually became a severe introvert who prefers books than humans. Then I got a placement in a university. The girl who preferred loneliness was made to live with 7 other girls in one room for the whole semester. And not to mention the ragging, new subjects, new friends, new language, new environment and new traditions and cultures. That shaped me up to a social butterfly somehow. At the end of 1st semester, I was a friend to everyone regardless religion and language.

And uni life opened up a lot of opportunities for me. A lot of things I never even considered in my life to be possible are happening right in front of me and I'm glad I got this kind of exposure. Otherwise, I would have been this girl with a lot of books but no real knowledge.