Quote Originally Posted by Srb View Post
I think this is not only related to children and school /teachers. It is about children and parents. Parents play an important role in the behavior and attitude of children. You can't blame a child for his/her behavior. They learn what they have taught by parent and teacher. Parents do not spend time with their children to talk about how to behave, how to respect etc. They are busy with their own work. So the children learn everything from other platforms. Teachers can't hit a child. Because some of them misused it like child abuse. But children should give their due respect to a teacher.

I think parents and teachers should have discussions regarding their children in order to solve this problem.
Exactly , parents play a major role in each children's behavior. But the bitter truth is that not every parents accept the complaints against their child and most of them try to protect their child by blaming the teachers.They think it is the actual parenting without knowing that they are spoiling their own child's future.