Quote Originally Posted by Moana View Post
Hello everyone!

All of us might have definitely heard about serial killers and psychopaths. Many psych artists say that when a person becomes lonely and too much emotionally stressed he/she in the first stage gets mentally ill and then slowly becomes a psychopath. But what about the famous psychopaths like ''Jack The Ripper'' (who murdered female prostitutes) ''The BTK killer'' did they really turn into psychos since they only were depressed?

What do you guys think the reasons would be and why are people becoming psychopaths? Share us your thoughts and ideas.
People become psychopaths because they didn't get enough emotional support and guidance when they are mentally stress and society treat them differently so they become isolated which make them to behave aggressively.Some people become psycho because they are too much guilty for something, with proper emotional support and guidance we can cure them.