Quote Originally Posted by Shivani View Post
Hi Huns!

Being genuine is the most beautiful thing about a persons personality , being straight forward is a type of being genuine in character but it is often mistaken by few as being '' RUDE''

According to me..

  • What A genuine person does is he/she respects everyone whether its a CEO or a Janitor.

  • A fake person respects only people with the higher positions and who benefit only them

  • Genuine people aren't attention seekers, Fake people are desperate attention seekers!

  • Genuine characters don't show off Fake do!

These are my points to find out who a genuine personality and a fake one! DO YOU AGREE WITH MY ABOVE POINTS? IF you don't share us your thoughts kindly!
Great topic you have discussed with us .
Some major different helps to find out who are the genuine people & fake people.
Genuine people
They respect everyone
they admire others & often praise others
They express their opinions openly
They're nice & helpful most of the time .
they don't brag
They don't try do make people like them.
They always try their best to live up their Promises

Fake People
They only respect people with power
they criticize others to make themselves look great
They gossip lot
They're only when nice when they have hidden agenda
They show off all the time
They try to make People like them
They make commitments easily ,but seldom keep them .