Quote Originally Posted by Lorraine View Post
Hi Bavya,

Actually I don't know any solution to stop worrying about how others think about me.. But the solution for that is staying without worrying on that and go to the upper point where you can go. Do your best always. I never worry on that. I know people look at me in different perspective and they are thinking different kind of things about me. But what the purpose of worrying me on that. I have different many other things to do other than worrying on that. we never can't make every one happy.
Hi Lorraine,
Thanks for your reply, When I asked this question I was immature to handle the opinions of others about me.But now I am become bit mature in it. Now I stop giving much attention to the opinions of others about me which help me to reduce my worry and I became more happy with my life. So ignorance is the best way to handle this situation.