Quote Originally Posted by assassin View Post
Every 90's kids dream is to be part of Hogwarts i believe, I'm not an exception for it too.I played all Harry Potter PC games including Quidditch world cup.
This time they try to go through some new story plot not as same as harry potter movies.

The graphics of this mobile version looks good. Hope all harry potter fans loved this and make them feel like they were in Hogwarts in real !!!

I'm with a name Albus Riddle waiting in Slytherin common room.
Well, Hi Albus!
This is Arya from your house. Actually, may I know why you chose to be a Slytherin?

Yesterday I duelled with Merula and won and currently I'm learning Wingarduim leviosa!
By the way, It's so nice to meet another HP maniac around here.

Stay crazy!