Quote Originally Posted by Bhavya View Post
Hello Friends,

smartphones usage are increasing day by day.So we all know that a mobile responsive site makes browsing simpler.
But I want to know the benefits we can get from a mobile responsive website to our businesses.

Can you guys list down the benefits a business can get from a mobile responsive website?
growing number of mobile web users alone isn't reason enough to convince website owners to embrace the mobile web,there are also a number of advantages worth considering .
1.Improved User Experience .
2.Faster Download Speed
3.Engagement and context
4.Improved search /SEO Performance
5.Brand identify
6.Portability & connectivity
7.Competitive Advantages
8.Integration with offline Media
9.More flexible & cost Effective than the app development
10.New advertising Opportunities.
11. Inevitability

Really useful tips!!!!!!!!