Haha yes I did in my 11th grade for a hindi song we had to perform in a group with a red traditional outfit with all traditional jewels on, even now I couldn't stop laughing when I think about it. OMG!! I didn't know even the lyrics. JEEZ!!
Haha yes I did in my 11th grade for a hindi song we had to perform in a group with a red traditional outfit with all traditional jewels on, even now I couldn't stop laughing when I think about it. OMG!! I didn't know even the lyrics. JEEZ!!
Your Last Mistake Is Your Best Teacher
Your Last Mistake Is Your Best Teacher
Your Last Mistake Is Your Best Teacher
Your Last Mistake Is Your Best Teacher
Your Last Mistake Is Your Best Teacher
[QUOTE=Thenuka;636]Yep! There is a boy in Vijay television's dance show. He is a def. But, He rocked. But, For we people??
Would love to see the video. Can you please share me the link here?
Your Last Mistake Is Your Best Teacher
You're not going to master the rest of your life in one day. Don't stress. Master the day. Make this a daily reminder.
All we need to move our body for the music!Lyrics doesn't matter. Once i did dance for a Hindi Song at school annual program.
You can watch his video in this link. Rahul King of Dance The small child between the both is that dancer.
Diligence is a mother of Good luck