Quote Originally Posted by Thenuka View Post
What do you think about dance which is an unknown language cultural dance? I want to share my story with you. I like to dance for sinhala songs.But, I don't know sinhala language in my first year in University. My Sinhala Friends well practiced me to their cultural dance. But, The damn true is my performance was the worst among them. lol...What about your experience? Do you have any unforgettable experience about other culture dancing like me?
I must congratulate you for your confidence. I also danced for Fresher's Welcome function during my 1st year with my colleagues from different ethnicity. It was totally different and nice experience. According to my point of view if we really like something and if it doesn't affect others, then there is no point of thinking about what others think about us. Just being ourself will make us proud about ourself. Just dance more, be energetic and be happy