Quote Originally Posted by Katren View Post
What do you think about the May 2020 Core update? According to the update, most importantly we need to check the content relevancy of our website content. So, If you have massive blogs on your website, you can check the following five points to update your content.

1. If your content is no longer relevant to a reader, either you can delete the page or add 301 redirection from the page to a highly relevant page.

2. The content should be actionable or useful to the readers. So, in your content add CTAs, infographics, highlight the important points, add bulleting, videos, image, etc to make it more engaging.

3. Check your content properly and if there are any dead links, please fix them as much as possible. Because dead links create a poor user experience.

4. If your article discusses any specific year or time frame? see the possibility and make them evergreen by avoiding the exact time and dates.

5. If you have any translated article, please make sure the videos and images make sense to anyone reading the content in that language. Otherwise, we may lose our traffic and get more bounce rate to our page.
Thanks for these insights Katren, through these Core Updates Google keep on telling us to focus on our content that the users find authentic and helpful to them.
The better experience users recieve from our content, the better our rankings will be!