Quote Originally Posted by TamillanSivi View Post
Fist method is Using plugins

we can use some plugins to convert the WordPress max file upload size. Example ” Increase Upload Max Filesize ”
plugin Its support old version WordPress other than that we can use “Advanced uploaderplugin Its support all versions of WordPress.

The second method is ” Edit the PHP.INI, Htaccess Files Or Modify ”

we can edit or modify the php.ini files to change the upload File size. Example

” upload_max_filesize = 25MB
post_max_size = 27MB
memory_limit = 30MB ”

And .Htaccess file,sometimes It will not show the server file .
we can also change or modify the code like below in the text .

” php_value upload_max_filesize 25MB
php_value post_max_size 27MB
php_value memory_limit 30MB ”

If people have any questions on your mind ask them in the comments, I will reply
Thanks for sharing this knowledgeable information, I got to know about some new things.