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Type: Posts; User: Grace

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  1. Which is the unforgettable happiest day in your life?

    In my life "my happiest day is my birthday" The reason is only because of my birth I got amazing parents who I would take care for life long. that is my life long goal. So guys Which is the...
  2. How many of you achieved your childhood ambition?

    When we were in our childhood , we used to say "we will become like a teacher, doctor,police and etc." But not everyone achieved our childhood dreams,right? So guys, How many of you achieved your...
  3. Replies

    How to forget my unforgettable lovable moment?

    I am facing this problem currently. I like that moment, It was a happy and lovable moment, The memory of the moment is disturbing me now I want to forget that. How will I forget? Now also I like...
  4. How can I improve the balance of work, family and self?

    Most of the time I can't balance all thing, If I manage two things, that time I can't manage other things so How can I improve the balance of work, family and self?
  5. Have you ever faced a terrible situation for helping others?

    Hello Friends,

    Sometimes when we help other people, we got ourselves into terrible situation.Have you ever faced a terrible situation for helping others? At that moment how would make yourself...
  6. Replies

    How can I reduce my inferiority mindset?

    Daily I feel "I'm the lowest person and unlucky person in this world" because I have faced many problems and they made me feel like this.I really want to change my mindset. Can you guys tell me...
  7. Replies

    How can we stop hating someone?

    I hate some people in my life.I know it's a negative feeling so I want to change it. Can you guys tell me how can I stop hating someone? how to change this attitude of mine? Guys. kindly share your...
  8. How to introduce yourself shortly to an unknown person?

    If you meet any new person in your way or travel.At that time how will you introduce yourself to that person within 2 minutes? If you have any to tips for short introduction, please share them with...
  9. Replies

    Which team will win the cricket world cup 2019?

    Hello Guys,

    As we all know 2019 cricket world cup has been started.This year totally 10 teams are playing ,In my opinion West Indies or England will win the cup.What do you think guys which team...
  10. Replies

    Hello Wanot, If you realize they are giving...

    Hello Wanot,

    If you realize they are giving you demotivation, Don't take their advice and don't ask them why they are demotivating you just ignore them. But If they regularly demotivating you,...
  11. Replies

    All of us need motivation because we all are...

    All of us need motivation because we all are facing different kind of problem, at the time we loose our happiness,energy,positivity,productivity and etc.When someone advice you in your difficult...
  12. Replies

    No one can destroy love from this universe....

    No one can destroy love from this universe. Because Love is endless.
  13. For their own purpose, they use the same method...

    For their own purpose, they use the same method frequently to get the things done from you.If you notice the same method frequently that means they using it to emotionally blackmail you.From this...
  14. Thanks Bhavya, I'll try to do this and make my ...

    Thanks Bhavya, I'll try to do this and make my failures into success
  15. Hi Bhavya, I accept your points but from my side...

    Hi Bhavya, I accept your points but from my side I've a question. If I face failures in my daily life.What can I do? How can I avoid them?
  16. Replies

    Yes Bhavya, Happiness increase our productivity...

    Yes Bhavya, Happiness increase our productivity & performance. Do you agree with this?
  17. Replies

    To make a good culture in your workplace, First...

    To make a good culture in your workplace, First you should be happy and make others also happy,because every person like to work in a happy environment.If employees are happy they will make a good...
  18. Replies

    Yes. I knew about that. Do you know about that...

    Yes. I knew about that. Do you know about that deserts items?
  19. I'm an unlucky person because I bought a Huawei...

    I'm an unlucky person because I bought a Huawei mobile last week. So Sad, In future people will be afraid to buy this phone. If they create their own OS, It would be a happy news for all Huawei...
  20. Replies

    Okay I'll try, But I always want to remember...

    Okay I'll try, But I always want to remember about my past because it will help me to achieve my future success.
  21. Replies

    Thanks Bhavya. I got the knowledge thank you

    Thanks Bhavya. I got the knowledge thank you
  22. Replies

    Hello Bhavya, I agree with your point but does...

    Hello Bhavya,

    I agree with your point but does anyone follow this in their life? Is it possible? Are you following this in your life?
  23. Replies

    Why Android name their versions in food names?

    I checked some android versions names, the names are like lollipop, oreo and pie. Why Android names are in food names any specific for that? If you guys know the reason, please share it with me.
  24. I didn't spend much time for make up but I...

    I didn't spend much time for make up but I spend too much time to select and buy dresses because our dresses make us more beautiful.
  25. Girls' most beautiful thing is Patience, ...

    Girls' most beautiful thing is Patience, especially when she become a mother. If she doesn't have the patience, She can't up-bring a good child or children. So girls' patience is helping to make...
Results 1 to 25 of 35
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