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Type: Posts; User: karan

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  1. Replies

    Did You Know about Sri Lankan Black Panther?

    The Wildlife Conservation Department has been retraced the Sri Lankan Black Panther that was believed to be extinct.

    The Wildlife Conservation Department has installed several cameras in places...
  2. Replies

    The Epitome of Sri Lanka’s Biodiversity

    We have epitome of #biodiversity in our country, But with our human activities and developments we are endangering our unique biological diversity.As Sri Lankans its our responsibility to protect our...
  3. Replies

    Age of Big Cats: Behind the Scenes

    The Age of Big cats Shoot team said that "Even the 1-hr episode wasn't enough to capture all of the remarkable footage they captured on their 'Age of Big Cats' shoot. In this video, you can see the...
  4. Replies

    Are You Wasting food? please Don't Waste Food

    We all love food, Food is one of the precious things given by God. Give away the food to the needy instead of throwing it in the garbage.

  5. How is the behavior of social networks in the world?

    🗨️ Brandfact these social networks show no signs of weakening, but quite the opposite:

    Facebook, for example, this month reached 2 billion users

    Instagram for her part came to 250 million...
  6. Did you know that men die by suicide more than any other group?

    Men’s Mental Health Awareness Day! Help end the social stigma around men and their mental health and start talking about mental health today!
  7. Replies

    Is it the Status of Agriculture in SriLanka?

    Due to severe drought, paddy output down 41% than 5 years average in 2017. Even though, main season paddy crop to partially recover in 2018 however still below average level. So it expected to affect...
  8. A world without bees is like a world without...

    Hi Guys,
    Without Bees, we wouldn't have these nutritious foods. Bees play an essential role in keeping us and our planet healthy, but bees and their pollinators are under threat because of... ...
  9. Today is World Oceans Day let me know what have you done for this environment?

    Don’t want sea life replaced with these creatures? Join us on our mission to reduce plastic use for World Oceans Day and help save our aquatic friends.
    89% of ocean trash is single-use...
  10. What is the benefits of school gardens for students?

    School gardens are a great way to teach children about what is needed to grow our food and where it comes from.

    Benefits of school gardens

    1 Taste and learn about health food
    2 Learn how...
  11. Today is world environment day let me know what have you done for this environment?

    The earth is truly a remarkable place but heart;;:)its environment is something that we all too often take for granted. The natural beauty of seas and forests are beyond comparision, and yet we...
  12. Can anyone explain about business model canvas deeply?

    I have to create a business model so I’m learning about business model canvas but unable to collect real story (real experience) can anyone share your story about business model canvas.
Results 1 to 12 of 13
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