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Type: Posts; User: subasan

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  1. Entertainment helps me in educating myself also...

    Entertainment helps me in educating myself also i'm willing to entertain me through education.
  2. For people who find education entertaining then...

    For people who find education entertaining then it's an entertainment for them. For people who find entertainment educating then it's educational for them. It's about how the person takes them both....
  3. Replies

    You may find this interesting, ...

    You may find this interesting,
  4. I'm not a Wattpad fella but good for you (:

    I'm not a Wattpad fella but good for you (:
  5. Lol it's the other way around. I'll be on call...

    Lol it's the other way around. I'll be on call until the distance I walk :P
  6. Quora, Facetime and Whatsapp unfortunately!

    Facetime and
    Whatsapp unfortunately!
  7. I usually walk after work hearing music or...

    I usually walk after work hearing music or talking to my best friend. Once home I'll forget about work, will spend time with parents and play with the dog. No work is more important than spending...
  8. I'm not a developer but anybody can use from...

    I'm not a developer but anybody can use from version 3 beta. I'll wait for the final release (:
  9. It's releasing next month. But developers can use...

    It's releasing next month. But developers can use beta version. I like it already (:
  10. It's just human behaviour. Read more and keep...

    It's just human behaviour. Read more and keep writing. (:
  11. Check their preview,...

    Check their preview,
  12. If you sit and wait for motivation nothing will...

    If you sit and wait for motivation nothing will change. So don't box yourself! Start working and motivation will find it's own way.
  13. Replies

    Passion is just not enough. Perseverance is a...

    Passion is just not enough. Perseverance is a must!
  14. Replies

    When you don't complain about waking up in the...

    When you don't complain about waking up in the morning and going to workplace. When you don't look at time while you work. When you don't need other person pushing you to do your work. If you're...
  15. Replies

    I don't have work experience in drop shipping but...

    I don't have work experience in drop shipping but I can help you with information. I would like to know in detail so that I can help you better. Please DM me.
  16. In marriage though you don't like each other...

    In marriage though you don't like each other you're bound stay together but in live-in there are no restrictions. When you don't have restrictions you live freely.
  17. That was not your original question. Anyway, I'll...

    That was not your original question. Anyway, I'll answer. I try enough not to spread hate as there are enough already.
  18. I don't think there isn't a thing which a person...

    I don't think there isn't a thing which a person wouldn't do. If we're pushed into circumstances we broke.
  19. It's already happening. It's healthy in its own...

    It's already happening. It's healthy in its own ways. Study says divorces are higher in marriage life comparing people who live together based on understanding or live-in.
  20. I think marriage is outdated already. Social...

    I think marriage is outdated already. Social media is one of the biggest influence. The next generation will evolve differently.
  21. has international delivery. It... has international delivery. It delivers to India so possibly to SL too. You can try ordering. (:
  22. You cannot buy from but you can try...

    You cannot buy from but you can try from I've had best working experience in Amazon.
  23. Replies

    We all initiate things but we don't sustain...

    We all initiate things but we don't sustain longer or quit in the middle. Thus, I think perseverance is the main aspect for anything that we do.
  24. There are no favourites but prefer Amazon as I've...

    There are no favourites but prefer Amazon as I've worked there and I understand they value their customers.
  25. Best friend is the person who can tell you the...

    Best friend is the person who can tell you the harsh truth without second thoughts, who will fight with you - fight for you, who listens to your craps, who won't judge you, who shapes you for better....
Results 1 to 25 of 445
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