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Type: Posts; User: Ahamed

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  1. Hello Mona, After reading your post. I saw...

    Hello Mona,

    After reading your post. I saw their website and service. One interesting thing is When I see their google review most of the people are post bad reviews for their service and I see...
  2. Hi Grace...

    Hi Grace

    My opinion India or Australia will win the cup.
  3. Replies

    Which country server is best for Sri Lanka?

    ​Hi guys,

    I'm going to buy a hosting. I saw many different types of country server available per hosting. I want to know which country server speed is best for Sri Lanka?
  4. Replies

    How to Publish an Application in C#?

    Hello guys,
    I have created a school management software. I want to know how can I publish that software like an installable setup.exe file.
  5. Replies

    What is the shell_exec() function in PHP?

    Hi guys,
    On my Wordpress Dashboard, an error message show that "Hi, please note that PHP shell_exec() function is either not enabled in your hosting environment or not been given executable...
  6. If I update my Drupal version will I face any problem?

    My running Drupal version is 7.22. One Message show on my dashboard that your recommended version 7.66. That's why I asking You guys please anyone let me know if I update this version will I face any...
  7. How to add a user front dashboard on my WordPress website?

    My website didn't have a user front dashboard. SoI tried to build a dashboard. I need these options the users can change them all profile details and I want to add posts counting, likes counting...
  8. How to set up payment gateway for send and receive payment on my WordPress site?

    Hello guys,
    I'm going to develop a business website and I want to integrate payment gateway that has two types of transaction send money and get money. How can I process this?
  9. How to fix Plugin and theme an unexpected error?

    When I tried to go to "Plugins" or "Theme" > plugin or theme >Add new plugin or theme I'm not able to search for plugins nor update them).

    In the "Plugins" section and "theme" section, I see...
  10. How to remove "For development purpose only" message in google map?

    My website contact page google map shows that For development purpose only message how can I remove this?
  11. what are the factors we need to know before selecting a plugin for Wordpress?

    Nowadays huge numbers of plugins are available in Wordpress industry for a single process. That's why I'm asking this, please anyone let me know.
  12. How to add and manage multilevel categories in WP?

    Hi guys,
    I want to add categories in my wp site. can you give some best way to add multilevel categories in WP?
  13. how to fixed WordPress website redirects to a spam site?

    when I go to my website that's redirect another unknown site how can I fixed it.
  14. how to create a backup for drupal site without c-panel?

    Nowadays I working on Drupal. That's why I asking this question guys. please explain it.
  15. Thanks, Bhavya for this wonderful post.

    Thanks, Bhavya for this wonderful post.
  16. What is the best Programming Language for mobile apps development?

    There is a huge impact on the mobile phone in this technology world. That's why I'm trying to learn mobile app development. I want to know which is the best programming language for Android and IOS...
  17. Replies

    How to add "async" code on my WordPress site?

    While I'm tried to add async code in my website there is I couldn't find any css or js file. So how can I add async code on my website without plugins?
  18. How to fix "Content wider than screen" google mobile-friendly test issue error?

    When I checked my site on it seems okay But when I tested Google mobile-friendly test, it shows this "Content wider than screen" error. Can you guys tell me how to fix this error?
  19. Replies

    What is DMARC record? and Why is important?

    When I was checking my domain health. It was shown this error message. "Your DMARC record is missing in the Mail server". Is this a fatal error or not?.
Results 1 to 19 of 19
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