Quote Originally Posted by Arthi View Post
Prevention is better than cure. Instead of worrying after the crime we have to take some actions before it’s happen. Awareness may reduce the percentage of crime but it’s not a solution. All the crimes are happening because of those fake Id . Everyone have one passport right and one National identity card right? Why can’t we use this concept in social medias? One person should allow for one social media account and it’s should be verified. You may think this is not realistic. We are at top level of technology . If we enforce about it, social medias will work on it. Each of the life is important and priceless so these crimes should be prevented as soon as possible.
Arthi, you're absolutely right! But from my point of view I think not all crimes are happening because of this Fake ID thing only, we literally cannot stop something that is about to happen.
Fault is from our side as well as parents. WHY ARE PARENTS HANDING OVER MOBILES TO THEIR KIDS EVEN BEFORE THEY FINISH HIGH SCHOOL? ( I have even seen a 4 year old taking selfie with her mom's cell phone on the bus)

No there are fake passports as well and they are being supported legally by being bribed so I guess you can understand to whom all the fault falls onto!!!!!!!
This fake ID problem has been happening down here in Sri lanka for ages and there has been so many victims still now both alive and dead till no actions has been taken.Which makes us understand that no change ever will be made unless until WE change ourselves!