Quote Originally Posted by Medusa View Post
Hey Friends,

Yesterday i got a message through one of my friend in Fb that "This is video is yours just click to check on it". Luckily i didn't open it because that friend is not close to me. So i guess this is some kind of fake. Yes, after some hours, in our group there's a message her Fb was hacked. Then i called her, She told can't log in her account and the password isn't working. But after some minutes she can able to change her password through forgotten password. But within that time her total fiend list got that type of fake message.

How do you think about this issue? really is it a hijacked? tell me if you have any experience like this situation? Let me share your ideas to prevent this problem.
I have the same experience on that video thing. Received a facebook message from my friend saying to open this video. Luckily I didn't open that. But a meanwhile ago some of my friends won't able to log in to there facebook accounts because of a photo that they have received through a message.