What is a chatbot?

A chatbot is a special computer program but it has a different GUI (Graphical User Interface) than a normal web app or a mobile app. In a normal app, we have to click or tap buttons to get our task done but in a chatbot we can chat with that program and get tasks done. As an example, assume you’re using a taxi app and you want to go to BMICH. So you have to select the taxi type, location and everything but if you use a chatbot you can do those things at once. By a single text message like “Please send a luxury cab to go to BMICH” will do all the things.

Where chatbots are used?
In the present time, chatbots are used in various fields such as news, entertainment and education.

Some popular chatbots

1. Poncho
Poncho is a friendly weather bot

2. ScoreBot
ScoreBot gives you scores for various matches

3. Duolingo
Duolingo helps you to learn new languages

So, do you think that bots can replace normal apps or not?