Quote Originally Posted by Katren View Post
when it comes to the challenges, Technology hiccups and Communication Issues and Being Out of the Loop (mostly can talk via mobile, email or any other platforms, but sometimes, the person can't understand properly, so if it's in office we can schedule a meeting and easily do a practical session, but we can use online like zoom, but it's something hard). distractions in the sense suddenly my relatives come to home so, sometimes I need to be there and also patients are not supporting sometimes.when i sit on meeting, on that time unfortunately i faced this kind of distractions, i strickly schedule my tasks and do it from my end to manage the time.
I can Understand, I'm also facing the distractions like suddenly relatives or friends coming which is unavoidable. Do you know what? Last 2 days relatives were came to home as a New Year visit and because of that I missed a deadline to finish my task. I really don't know how to manage these kind of situations. Do you have any ideas?