Actually whoever has EI shouldn't be around me a lot. I might end up slapping them, coz I don't like being questioned for each and every decision I make. And I don't desire to be a test rat for anyone's emotional intelligence hunger. Maybe if those people know how to keep their thoughts to themselves, then it can be pretty useful.
Does people with EI question every action of others? I never come across of these kind of EI people, They must be irritating.

But seriously, Overthinking somethings might spoil the magic every moment holds. Think of it! If someone does a sweet thing and if someone else gives her/him a detailed analysis on why he/she did it and the motive behind it, then life would be messed up.
True Shana overthinking and over analyize kill the pleasure and the magic of the particular moment. I often spoil the good moments with my overthinking. I Should change myself