Quote Originally Posted by Dhiya View Post
Beacuse women are repressed by men. That's why there are so many queries about gender equation. There is no problem with the women. Men didn't give freedom for the women. I have a question for you. Most probably mothers are cooking in our homes. Why shouldn't fathers? Are they doing as equal? These are the some basic issues for inequality. Yes, I faced lot more. There is one for you guys. Can we go out in night? but, Our brothers can do. Is this equality for men and women?
I disagree with you point here! Why should men give you freedom? It is already yours. Why are you seeking permission for that from men. I agree that some unacceptable practices followed for long time. When in relationship or your father, brother or any men closed to you will try to restrict you from doing certain things like you mentioned going out in the night time, there are lot of areas they see, most importantly your security, because there are lot of threat to women now. Likewise, you also should think of various dimension if there are any restrictions placed for you and I totally agree there are lot of unwanted restriction as well. I trust if relevant parties sit together and discuss appropriately, you can see some level of positive results.

I trust this practice is changing gradually. I have seen many who support each other while cooking and doing other activities.